Sunday, 14 September 2014

Pressure's On

Next week is the Spring Fling! The pressure is on to get our presentations finished and it has to be our very best work. 

Next week all of our family members can come in to Enrich@ILT and they can observe all of our great work. We have put in 20 hours of work so it has to be good. We have been doing this for around 14 weeks so thats 14 Mondays. We had to work during our mornings, morning teas and lunch times (if we wanted) to get everything done.

I am nearly done and I am confident that my presentation is good and that the teachers will give it a high mark. We have to present our presentation for 3 minutes and then people will ask us questions for about 2 minutes so all up we will have to stand up in front of a group of people for 5  minutes at the most. 

I am so nervous for the day to come. I mean it's only one week away.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Its Closer Then You Think

Next week is the last session we have for our Discovery task. In week ten we have to present it to a group of around 5 people for 3 minutes. Even though its 3 minutes long it is still a long time to be standing and talking.

On the plus side we get to dress up in a costume that is native or relevant to our country of importance and we also get to try new foods because we have to bring a food that is also native or relevant to that country.

I am so nervous about it but I think I will manage.
